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Cendol Dawet And What's The Difference Between Dawet And Cendol

cendol dawet and what's the difference between dawet and cendol

What's the difference between Dawet and Cendol?

Quoting from the Instagram account @kemenparekraf.ri, cendol is made from hunkwe flour or mung bean flour. while dawet is made from rice flour.

What Material Is Cendol Dawet Made Of? - who doesn't know and doesn't like ice cendol dawet? This drink made from rice flour and hunkwe flour as well as sago flour which is colored with pandan paste and often served with brown sugar always manages to steal the attention of culinary connoisseurs in this country.

What Flour Use Cendol? - Usually cendol is made from rice flour and pandan juice so that it has a beautiful green color. some are made from sago flour. Usually this sago cendol has a gray color. Ingredients: 500 grams of brown sugar. 200 ml of water. 100 grams of sugar. 3 pandan leaves, wash and tie a knot.

How to Make Dawet?

Method of preparation: cook rice flour, tapioca, and pandan water until cooked and bubbling. print dawet with a sieve and prepare ice water under it. on the other hand, bring the brown sugar and water to a boil. cook coconut milk and water. mix all the processed ingredients, sugar, coconut milk, and dawet or dawet. other items•

Cendol Ingredients

  • 50 gr rice flour
  • 60 gr sago flour
  • 40 gr Hong Kong
  • 750 ml pandan juice
  • (10 pandan leaves + water)
  • 1 tbsp lime water
  • 1 tsp salt

Sugar Liquid Ingredients

  • 200 g brown sugar, comb
  • 1 lb pandan leaves
  • 250 ml water
  • (boiled together until slightly thickened)

Coconut Milk Bahan

  • 300 ml coconut milk
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 lb pandan leaves
  • (boil until boiling and coconut milk does not break)


  • Ice cubes as needed
  • Boiled water

How to Make Cendol Dawet

  • 1. Cendol: mix all ingredients, strain and cook until boiling and cooked. Lift
  • 2. Put it in a plastic triangle, cut the end of the plastic and spray it on a container filled with boiled water and ice cubes. Do it until it runs out.
  • 3. Prepare a serving glass, pour sugar at the bottom of the glass, ice cubes, cendol and finally pour the coconut milk.
  • Ice cendol dawet is ready to be served.

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