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Black In Black Nastar

black in black nastar

Material A. Nastar Skin

  • 300 gr Butter
  • 60 gr Refined Sugar
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 325 gr Wheat Flour
  • 50 gr Maizena Flour
  • 50 gr milk powder
  • 30 gr Black Cocoa

Ingredients B. Pineapple Berries Jam

  • 1 Kg Pineapple, grated
  • 500 gr Frozen Mix berries (Blackberry, blueberry and raspberry)
  • 250 gr granulated sugar

How to make

  • 1. Filling: Put the grated pineapple into a Teflon pan, also add frozen mix berries, cook for 30 minutes over low heat, stir occasionally and press down on the mixed berries with a wooden spoon to crush them.
  • After the juice starts to dry, add the granulated sugar, stir continuously until the jam can be pulverized, remove and let cool. take 1/2 tsp jam and shape into rounds, set aside.
  • 3. Beat with a low speed mixer the butter, vanilla and powdered sugar for 2 minutes. Add the egg yolks and beat again on low speed until combined, turn off the mixer.
  • 4. Enter the flour, cornstarch, and milk powder, stir with a spatula until well blended. Set aside 70 grams of dough. and the rest is added with black cocoa, stir with a spatula until completely blended.
  • 4. Roll out the dough as desired (my case is 8 grams), flatten, put the filling and then round it. Arrange the nastar on a baking sheet that has been lined with parchment paper.
  • 5. For the top decoration, roll out the white dough to a thickness of 1/2 cm. Then cut it with a star/jasmine shape pondan mold, then place it on the nastar and press it so that the white dough sticks to the nastar. Oven Nastar with a temperature of 140⁰C until cooked. Put it out of the oven and let it chill.
  • 6. Store the nastar in an airtight container / jar.

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