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Peanut Duck And What Are The Peanut Crushed Seasonings

peanut duck and what are the peanut crushed seasonings

What are the Peanut Crushed Seasonings?

How to make peanut brittle is also very easy. you only need rice flour, peanuts, to sago flour. The spices used are also only in the form of coriander, kencur, candlenut, garlic, and others.

What Makes the Duck So Crispy?

The rice flour used to make the mash should be soft and dry. Gatot said that in making traditional pies, flour from milled rice is usually used. when grinding make sure it is really smooth so that the dent is more crispy. "The rice flour must be soft and dry.

How to Make Peanut Duck?

How to make peanut brittle, stir the ingredients and spices, except peanuts until blended. heat the cooking oil, take a tablespoon of the dough vegetable. add peanuts. Pour the batter into the deep side of the frying pan. flush with cooking oil until released. fry until cooked and dry. lift and serve.What flour makes a dent? The flours used to make the mash are rice flour and tapioca flour.

Ingredients and Seasoning

  • 200 gr peanuts split into 2
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 1 tbsp coriander
  • 2 hazelnuts
  • 1; cm kencur
  • 1/4 tsp turmeric powder
  • 400 gr rice flour
  • 20 gr tapioca flour / sago
  • 350 ml of liquid coconut milk
  • 1 egg
  • 3 kaffir lime leaves, thin pots
  • Salt to taste
  • Right amount of oil

How to make

  • Puree, garlic, coriander, candlenut, kencur
  • Siapkan mangkok, campur tepung beras, tapioka serta bumbu yg sdh di haluskan tadi, tambahkan garam, telur , daun jeruk purut, dan air santan, sdkt demi sedikit, bila sdh di anggap pas, keenceran adonan, hentikan menambahkan cairan santan aduk hingga merata.
  • Panaskan minyak goreng. Ambil 1-1/2 sendok sayur adonan, lalu tmbhkan 1 sdm kacang tanah kedlm sendok sayur , Masukkan adonan tersebut di atas wajan panas, di mulai dari bagian pinggir wajan sehingga membentuk lapisan tipis. Goreng di atas api sedang sampai matang kecoklatan. Angkat, lalu tiriskan, lakukan hingga adonan hbs.

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