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Spring Rolls And Who Was The First Person To Eat Spring Rolls

spring rolls and who was the first person to eat spring rolls

Who was the first person to eat spring rolls?

This food was first made by a Chinese descendant who married an Indonesian and settled in Semarang, Central Java. it all started when tjoa thay joe who was born in fujian decided to stay and settle in Semarang by opening a typical Chinese food business.

What can spring roll skins be used for?

10 recipes for processed spring roll skins for snacks, delicious and simple chocolate bananas. photo: instagram/@kitchen_mommita. 2. Bamboo shoots spring rolls. photo: instagram/@kitchen_mommita. mini martabak. photo: instagram/@itsbylilla2005. crispy spring roll skin. Banana Chocolate Cheese Spring Rolls. 6. Chocolate kebabs. 7. Sausage wrapped in spring rolls. samosas. other items•

What does spring roll mean?

The name spring rolls or lunpia comes from the Hokkien dialect, "lun" or "lum" means soft and "pia" means cake. In the beginning, Semarang Spring Rolls were not fried, so in accordance with the meaning of spring rolls, soft cakes.

How to Make Spring Rolls?

How to make spring rolls: puree the ebi and garlic. heat 3 tbsp cooking oil. saute ground spices. Enter the yam and spring onions season with salt, sugar and pepper until evenly distributed. Prepare the spring roll skin with the filling, roll it up and then glue it with the egg. heat some oil. fry the spring rolls until golden. serve.


  • 1 large bench cut into matchsticks
  • 1 carrot, cut into matchsticks
  • 100 gr coarsely chopped prawns
  • 1 scallion sliced
  • 1 tbsp ebi puree
  • 3 cloves of garlic finely chopped
  • 1 btr beaten egg
  • 1 tbsp oyster sauce
  • 1 tbsp sweet soy sauce
  • Salt, sugar, pepper to taste
  • Oil for frying
  • Kulit lumpia secukupnya


  • 1.tumis bawang putih dan ebi hingga harum, masukan udang aduk sampai berubah warna lalu sisihkan.
  • 2.masukan telur ,lalu orek orek kemudian masukan saus tiram,kecap manis,garam,gula, lada.
  • 3.masukan Bangkuang,daun bawang dan wortel aduk rata.
  • 4.ambil selembar kulit lumpia berikan bahan isi lalu gulung rekatkan dengan larutan tepung terigu.
  • 5.kemudian goreng lumpia sampai kuning keemasan , angkat dan sajikan.

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