Lapis Legit Roll
Lapis Legit Roll
- 10 egg yolks
- 60 g of powdered sugar
- 145 gr butter mix (I use anchor butter mix)
- 1 tbsp sweet thick
- 30 grams of medium flour
- 15 grams of powdered milk
- 1/2 tsp speck seasoning (can substitute vanilla)
- Spread: peanut butter
- Topping : Sukade
How to Make Lapis Legit Roll
- 1 Beat the butter mix and sweet thick with a mixer until fluffy and white (about 10 minutes) Set aside, wash the whisk thoroughly
- 2 Beat egg yolks and powdered sugar with a mixer on medium-high until thick, gradually add margarine, beat on low
- 3 Enter the flour, milk powder, and spekoek seasoning, beat on low until well
- 4 Divide the dough evenly (weigh) and pour into 2 22 x 30 cm tins which are smeared with margarine on the sides, and lined with baking paper.
- 5 Flatten using a scrapper, hit once
- 6 Bake in a preheated oven with a temperature of 180C for about 4-5 minutes, sprinkle with Sukade then bake 10 minutes until the top is browned (don't let the oven dry, don't let it dry) Leave for 5 minutes
- 7 Remove from the baking sheet on top of the baking paper, peel off the bottom baking paper, slice the edges of the part that will be rolled up
- 8 Brush the top with peanut butter, roll up, while slightly compacting
- 9 Remove the cake 1 from the tin in front of the rolled cake roll, spread it with sweetened condensed or interrupted, roll up the first one, compact, wrap in baking paper, store in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, then slice
- For those with large ovens, you can directly use a 22×60 cm tin
- Because my oven is small, I use 2 pans of 22 × 30 cm
- Don't bake too long so it doesn't dry out
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