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Maryam Bread And Maryam Bread What Bread

maryam bread and maryam bread what bread

Maryam Bread What Bread? - Roti Maryam or Roti Canai is a typical Indian flatbread. This bread is easy to find in Singapore and Malaysia, usually sold in food stalls of Indian descent there. while in Jakarta and surrounding areas, maryam bread is widely sold at train stations.

What is the difference between Roti Canai and Roti Maryam?

What is the difference between bread maryam and roti canai? - quora. actually the same only different naming in each country. Roti maryam is the same as canai, in Indonesia it is called Maryam, in Singapore it is called Paratha and Canai is a variant of Paratha.

Maryam Bread From What Flour?

Ingredients for Maryam Bread: 250 grams of medium protein flour. 100 ml of water. 4 tbsp frisian flag sweetened condensed milk gold. 1 egg.

Is Maryam Bread Fried?

Usually, bread rolls are baked in Teflon without oil. this time trying to fry in oil. the results are equally delicious..


  • 250 gr wheat flour
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 100 ml water/liquid milk
  • 50 gr margarine
  • Meses enough

Spread Ingredients

  • 2 Tbsp Butter, Melt

How to make

  • 1. In a container, add flour, margarine, egg yolk, salt, water, mixer until half smooth, add margarine mixer again until smooth (the characteristics of the dough are not sticky and when the dough is stretched it is not easy to tear)
  • 2. Divide the dough into 6 parts, each weighing 70 gr. Roll out the dough in a bowl, soak it in cooking oil, cover it tightly and leave it for 2 hours at room temperature.
  • 3. After letting stand for 2 hours, take one dough flat by hand until it is thin and wide, give 1 tablespoon melted butter, smooth it, give 1 tablespoon of meses, flatten it, then roll it and pull it lengthwise, roll it in opposite directions until it forms like a bun. Let stand again for 30 minutes .
  • 4. Flatten the dough using the palm of your hand or baking paper
  • 5.Heat the Teflon, bake Maryam bread while turning it over, when the bread is cooked, remove it.
  • Maryam bread is ready to be served, good luck

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