Serving home recipes that are easy for everyone to make and ingredients that are easily available. Inspires cooking enthusiasts. homemade food is a topic which can be of general interest, as well as especially relevant in the current day and age where people value convenience over quality when it comes to their diet choices. Home cooking has been largely replaced by eating out or buying pre-prepared foods, but there is a growing number of people who want to try this more traditional form of cook
-prepare ingredient A, mix well + material B knead until elastic, let stand for 30 minutes (don't over proof)
-Deflate the dough until it's flat then put it in a plastic zip/plastic wrap and store it in the refrigerator overnight (14-16 hours)
-prepare parchment paper to make a lamination of the image in the middle of the square uk 15X15 cm (or less than 15 cm) then store in the refrigerator
-next day take out the dough, sprinkle the table with flour then press down on the dough and flatten the dough with a height of more than 3 cm for butter and 2X in length for butter (ex T=18 P=30) or around so that the butter can be wrapped
-I use the sandwich method (stacked) so I cut the dough into 2 parts and then stacked it like a sandwich with the butter positioned in the middle then close the top to lock the butter so it doesn't come out (butter doesn't come out in a hard/soft condition, it has to be just right)
- If the butter is hard, leave it for a few seconds before folding it with the dough to avoid cracks / leaks in the dough
- sprinkle a little flour then flatten lengthwise, fold single fold then wrap with plastic wrap, store 1 hour in the refrigerator
- Flatten the dough then fold the book fold & store it in the refrigerator for 1 hour
- Flatten the dough lengthwise according to taste about 1/2 cm thick, then cut the ends of each side so that it is flat and the size is sm
-with the help of a triangular shaped ruler like the Eiffel tower (just adjust the size) then roll it from the bottom to the top to form croissants
- Arrange on a baking sheet and let it rest for 45 minutes or until it expands
- Brush with liquid milk then bake at 180°C for 20 minutes or until golden (depending on your oven)
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