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Sweet Bread And What Is Sweet Bread

sweet bread and what is sweet bread

What is Sweet Bread?

Sweet bread is a flour-processed food product that has become one of the popular foods in Indonesia, even from children, teenagers to the elderly. but sometimes in storage found bread that has a rough and hard texture.

What are the Ingredients for Making Bread?

Ingredients 250 grams of high protein wheat flour. 250 grams of medium protein flour. bread crumbs. 7 grams of instant yeast. 10 grams of powdered milk. oil. 2 grams of baker's bonus bread improver. 50 grams of margarine. other items•

Sweet Bread Use What Flour?

Tips for success in making sweet bread using high protein wheat flour. In order to form gluten so that it produces a dough that is elastic and easy to shape, you need a high protein type of wheat flour. This flour will also produce a soft and tender bread texture.

What Makes Bread Soft?

6 ways to make soft and soft bread, easy to imitate, pay attention to the quality of the flour. The important thing that can affect the tenderness of bread is the quality of the flour. 2. Use egg whites and yolks. 3. Don't forget the dough developer. 4. Do not bake too long. add yeast to the dough. 6. The right amount of sugar.


  • 195 ml uht milk
  • 5 g instant yeast (1.5 tsp)
  • 82 g eggs (weighed)
  • 370 gr high protein flour
  • 50 gr medium protein flour
  • 15 grams of powdered milk
  • 75 gr sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 60 gr butter/margarine


  • Peanut Butter + Meises
  • Shredded + sesame
  • Strawberry jam + crumb

How to make

  • 1. Mix UHT milk and yeast, mix well. Add eggs, sugar and mix well.
  • 2. Enter the flour, milk powder, and salt mix well. Let stand 15 minutes, cover with cling wrap. Add butter, mix well.
  • 3. Pour the dough on the work table, knead until elastic or knead with a mixer until elastic.
  • 4. Cover with cling wrap and let stand until doubled.
  • 5. Deflate the dough, cut into pieces and weigh 28 grams (10 pieces) and 2 pieces each 140 grams (for the roll).
  • 6. Prepare the bulkhead mold, line the baking paper, the divider and the sides smear with margarine.
  • 7. Take the dough rolls and fill with stuffing, store in the tin. Let stand until doubled.
  • 8. Brush with whole milk, sprinkle with topping, oven at 180°C, fire up and down for 20 minutes.
  • 9. Lift, spread with whole milk.
  • Notes:
  • There is 200 gr of dough left, so if you want it just right, you can reduce the recipe

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