Brown Sugar Coconut Milk Pudding
Brown Sugar Coconut Milk Pudding Ingredients
- 150 gr brown sugar (if the brown sugar is not too thick, you can add more...)
- 50-75 gr sugar (according to taste)
- 700 ml of water
- 1 lbr pandan leaves, conclude
- 1 pack of plain / colorless jelly
- 2 packs of instant coconut milk @65ml
How to Make Brown Sugar Coconut Milk Pudding
- * Cook water with brown sugar, white sugar and pandan leaves until the sugar dissolves.
- * after the sugar has dissolved, remove it and then strain it into another pot
- * add coconut milk and agar-agar powder, mix well, cook again while stirring until it boils
- * Lift, hot pour directly into the mold to form a layer.
- * let it set and cool first and then put it in the refrigerator
- * Remove the pudding from the mold, cut according to taste, serve.
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