Choco Milo Ovomaltine Dessert Box
Cake Ingredients A (sifter)
- 100 gr medium protein flour
- 25 gr cocoa powder
Material B
- 120 g sugar
- 1/2 tsp SP
- 3 eggs
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
Material C
- 80 ml cooking oil
- 30 gr DCC melt and let it cool a bit
How to make
- -mixer until white, thick and traces then add ingredients B and mix well with a spatula
- - Enter the C ingredients, mix well and then put into a 20X10X5 size pan that has been buttered and lined with paper.
- -steam into a steamer that has been preheated and the lid is wrapped in a clean cloth
- -steam until cooked and then cool
- - Cut thin according to the size of the jar
Cream Ingredients
- 200 ml whipping cream liquid/powder
- 80 gr melted cocoa powder
- The method
- - Whisk whipping cream until stiff (not too long)
- -mix the melted chocolate, mix well and then put it in a piping bag and store it in the refrigerator
Chocolate Cream
- 200 ml whipping cream liquid/powder
- 1 pack Milo powder
- 4 tbsp Ovomaltine
- The method
- - Whisk whipping cream until stiff
- -mix Ovomaltine and Milo, mix well, put into a piping bag
Ganache Ingredients
- 200 gr dark cooking chocolate
- 200 ml whipping liquid
- 1 tbsp butter
- -The method is to heat the whipping cream and then pour it into the DCC, mix well, add the butter and set it aside
- - Arrange the cake into a box then syringe with white cream until smooth and then stack with cake slices, store in the refrigerator for 30 minutes
- -Spray with chocolate cream until smooth then refrigerate for 30 minutes
- -Pour the chocolate ganache on top then sprinkle with chopped chocolate, store it in the refrigerator, serve cold
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