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Kolak Pisang Dan Ubi And Ubi Kolak Pakai Ubi Apa

kolak pisang dan ubi and ubi kolak pakai ubi apa

Ubi Kolak Pakai Ubi Apa?

1. resep kolak ubi sederhana 500 g ubi manis yang sudah dikupas dan dipotong dadu. 300 ml air. 300 ml santan. 200 g gula merah. dua buah daun pandan.

Langkah Pembuatan Kolak Ubi?

Cara membuat kolak ubi rebus santan cair dengan gula merah, gula pasir, daun pandan ikat, dan garam. masukkan potongan ubi jalar dan masak hingga ubi setengah empuk. masukkan santan kental, masak kolak ubi hingga mendidih sambil sesekali diaduk-aduk. kalau sudah mendidih, angkat kolak ubi dan tuang ke piring saji.

Pisang Apa Yang Digunakan Untuk Membuat Kolak Pisang?

One of the typical and often made compote dishes is banana compote. Banana compote is known to have a distinctive sweet and soft taste. The bananas used in making compote generally use the types of horn, raja, and kepok bananas which have a hard texture so they are suitable when cooked with coconut milk.

Steps to Make Banana And Sweet Potato Compote?

How to make water and pandan leaves boil until boiling. Add the sweet potato, boil until the sweet potato is half cooked. add bananas, kolang kaling, brown sugar, and sugar, cook until all ingredients are cooked. add thick coconut milk and salt, mix well. cook again until boiling.


  • 10 kepok bananas, cut into 2
  • 1 pc cassava, cut into 2
  • 150 gr palm sugar
  • 500 ml water
  • 1 pandan leaf
  • 1 liter coconut milk
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 3 tbsp sugar

How to make

  • 1. Boil palm sugar, water and pandan leaves until boiling. (Filter if necessary)
  • 2. Enter the pieces of cooked sweet potato until soft then add the banana pieces, cook for a while until it changes color.
  • 3. Add coconut milk, salt and sugar. Cook until boiling. Taste correction
  • 4. Remove and serve while warm.

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