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Cheese Bluder

cheese bluder

Material A

  • 225 g high pro flour
  • 10 g sugar
  • 3 g instant yeast
  • 170 ml of liquid milk.
  • Mix ingredients A, knead until combined, then round, put in a container then cover with plastic, let stand for 60 minutes at room temperature, then put in the refrigerator (not in the freezer) for 60 minutes too.

Material B.

  • 3 egg yolks
  • 50 g sugar
  • Beat ingredients B until fluffy
  • set aside

Material C

  • 60 ml liquid milk
  • 150 g high pro wheat flour
  • 4 g instant yeast
  • Mix ingredients C into ingredients B and stir until well blended…. set aside

Material D

  • 100 g margarine
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 150 gr grated cheddar cheese

How to make

  • After the second 60 minutes, take ingredient A which is in the refrigerator..then you will see a hollow texture..then mix ingredient A into the mixture of ingredients B and C earlier..knead..then add ingredient D..knead again until smooth
  • The dough is sticky but keep on kneading and slamming it until it's smooth and doesn't stick to your takes a while to get smooth and not sticky.
  • After the dough is smooth, put the dough in a container that has been smeared with margarine..cover with plastic until it has doubled in size...about 60 minutes. Depends on the room temperature at home
  • After it has doubled, deflate it so that the air comes out then cut it into pieces weighing 50 g each. Round it off, let it rest for a while until it expands again. About 15 minutes. After expanding, the contents can be cheese and chocolate or chicken or beef. on a paper cup line.
  • Wait until the dough expands again.. after expanding spread on the bread and give grated cheese then oven at 180 C on medium heat.. I use the tangkring oven.. for 20-25 minutes.. adjust according to each oven ... until the top is golden brown .
  • Once cooked, remove from the oven and spread again over the bread with margarine.

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