What are the Benefits of Elephant Ear Leaves?
The benefits of the elephant ear plant include: accelerating the aging of ulcers, stress relievers, treating kidney disorders and diabetes, can be used as relaxation drugs, preventing infections caused by germs and bacteria and.
What is Elephant Ear Plant?
Anthurium crystallinum, also known as elephant ear plant, is an ornamental plant from the Araceae family. Reported from Jogja Seed, Yogyakarta Province, the elephant ear plant has the following characteristics: the stem stands upright. single leaf, leaf width reaches 15-20 cm.
Is Elephant Ear Plant Toxic?
Behind the charming color and shape of the leaves, elephant ears store poison that is quite dangerous for living things. Keep this ornamental plant out of the reach of your little one! because if you accidentally rub elephant ear leaves into your hands, it can cause a burning sensation on the skin and extreme itching.
How much does elephant ear plant cost?
Latest elephant ear plant price list may 2022 product price elephant ear plant / jumbo elephant ear taro rp329,000 elephant ear ornamental plant / elephant ear anthurium plant rp152,000 elephant ear plant tarantula anthurium-teenage rp306,000 3 packages saving elephant ear plants rp27 .000 6 more lines
- 250 gr medium protein flour
- 80 gr fine granulated sugar
- 1/2 tsp fine salt
- 30 gr Margarine
- 1 btr Egg, beaten off
- 1 pack/65 ml Instant coconut milk
- 2 tsp cocoa powder (sy, mixed with african black)
- 1 sdt Air
- Minyak Goreng secukupnya
Cara Buat
- 1. Dlm wadah campur terigu, gula pasir & garam, aduk rata. Masukkan margarine, aduk rata
- 2. Masukkan telur, aduk rata. Terakhir masukkan santan instan sedikit2 sambil diuleni perlahan hingga adonan kalis.
- 3. Bagi adonan menjadi 2 bagian, 1 bagian biarkan putih. Satu bagian lagi tambahkan coklat bubuk & air, uleni hingga merata. Bagi lagi adonan putih & adonan coklat masing2 menjadi 2 bagian.
- 4. Take one part of the white & brown dough, roll each one thin and wide with the same size. Pile the chocolate dough on top of the white dough, roll it again so that it sticks perfectly. Roll slowly while squeezing & compacting. Do the same with the remaining white & brown dough. Wrap each roll with plastic wrap, store overnight in the chiller. Transfer to the freezer for 1-2 hours before slicing (because if the dough is frozen it will be easier to slice thinly)
- 5. Take one roll, slice it into thin slices 2 mm thick, then grind the middle (so that the elephant's ears when fried are shaped like hats). Do the same with the rest of the dough rolls.
- 7. Heat the cooking oil on low heat, add enough elephant ear to cover the whole oil, don't stir immediately (so that the roll doesn't come off) but let it sit for a while then stir gently. Fry until the cooking oil foam is reduced & cooked brown, remove & drain
- Once cool, store in an airtight container.
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