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Mother's Potion And What Foods Should Not Be Eaten After Childbirth

mother's potion and what foods should not be eaten after childbirth

What Foods Should Not Be Eaten After Childbirth?

Some foods that you need to avoid or limit consumption after giving birth are: caffeinated foods and drinks. coffee, chocolate, or tea are examples of foods and beverages that contain caffeine. spicy food. oily food. gaseous and acidic foods.

What herbs are good for women after childbirth?

The types of herbs after giving birth that are commonly consumed are herbal rice kencur. One type of herbal medicine that is usually consumed by mothers after giving birth is kencur rice. 2. jamu rhizome meeting lock. 3. herbal medicine made from a mixture of ginger. 4. herbal medicine. singset extract. 6. tamarind turmeric herbal medicine. 7. maternity herbs.

Can Herbal Medicine Streamlining Breast Milk?

Another herbal medicine that you can use as a breast milk booster is the tamarind turmeric herb. One of the benefits of breastfeeding mothers drinking tamarind turmeric herbs is that their milk production can be smoother. Turmeric is known to contain essential oils which are known to help increase breast milk production.

What is Jamu Gepyokan?

Jamu gepyokan or uyup-uyup is a herbal medicine used to increase milk production in breastfeeding mothers. Insufficient production of breast milk during breastfeeding causes mastitis.


  • – 1 L of hot water
  • – 100 gr turmeric
  • – 100 gr ginger
  • – 100 gr galangal
  • - lime juice (I use 2 lemons)
  • - pure honey to taste (I use 8 tablespoons)
  • – 1/4 tsp himalayan salt

How to make

  • - Blend all the rhizome ingredients (give a little water to facilitate the smoothing process)
  • - Pour the blended rhizome into hot water, let stand for 5 minutes. Strain. After a little warm add lemon juice & salt, stir. Serve

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