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Sweet And Spicy Old School Cassava Chips

sweet and spicy old school cassava chips

1 Kg Cassava Chips How Much?

Price of cassava chips 1 kg variant of cassava chips price per kg of raw cassava chips rp22,000 super original flavored cassava chips rp50,000 grilled balado cassava chips rp57,500 sea dragon sticky cassava chips rp62,000 16 other lines•

In order for cassava chips to be more tender, what mixture should be soaked?

Mix whiting and salt with water for cassava marinade. Soak the cassava for 5 minutes in the soaking water, remove it, then soak it again in clean water, remove it, and leave it for some time to let the water drain a little.

How to Make Crispy Cassava Chips?

How to make cassava chips crispy, soft, and durable. Wash cassava that has been thinly sliced ​​until clean. prepare the marinade. add cassava to the marinade. drain the cassava then rinse again with clean water drain again. heat enough oil to be submerged yes. serve.

How to Make Spicy Cassava Chips?

How to make spicy cassava chips: peel the cassava and slice it thinly. heat the oil. take a new skillet and heat some oil in it. add salt, brown sugar, granulated sugar, and tamarind water. add fried cassava.


  • 500 gr cassava chips that have not been fried
  • 125 gr granulated sugar (you can mix brown sugar if you like)
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp broth powder
  • 6 lime leaves
  • 1-2 tbsp sour water
  • Enough oil to fry the chips and stir fry the spices

Ground spices

  • 1 ounce curly chili
  • Cayenne pepper to taste
  • 6 cloves of garlic
  • 4 cloves of red onion

How to make

  • > Fry cassava chips in hot oil until golden.
  • > Use medium heat. set aside
  • > Saute ground spices and lime leaves until fragrant.
  • > Add a little water, sugar, salt, tamarind water and powdered broth.
  • > Cook until the spices are really thick and not runny.
  • > Turn off the heat then add the fried chips, stir quickly until the spices and chips are well mixed.

How to make chips

  • - Cassava is peeled and washed, cut into pieces and then steamed until soft.
  • - Allow to cool then slice thinly, dry in the sun to dry. Ready to fry and process.
  • - With good storage can be stored for months before frying.

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