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Chocolate Mousse Cake Tartlets

chocolate mousse cake tartlets

Chocolate Cake Ingredients

  • 150gr dark chocolate block melt
  • 2 large eggs
  • 125gr medium protein flour
  • 80gr sugar (if you like it sweet, you can add more)
  • 120 g melted butter
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp SP

Mousse Ingredients

  • 100 gr chocolate block melt
  • 100 ml cold plain uht milk
  • 200 gr liquid whipping cream
  • 10 gr agar2 plain
  • 40 g of powdered sugar

Tartlets Bahan

  • 150 gr medium protein flour
  • 20 gr cocoa powder
  • 30 g fine granulated sugar
  • 135gr cold butter from the fridge
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1/2 tsp salt


  • Sufficient Kiwi and Strawberry for topping

How to Make Chocolate Cake

  • 1. Mixer until fluffy, thick: eggs, sugar, SP
  • 2. Enter the vanilla extract, flour little by little, mixer on the lowest speed
  • 3. Enter the melted chocolate, mix briefly
  • 4. Add melted butter, fold with a spatula
  • 5. Pour into a 20×20 tin, oven with a temperature of 170°C on top and bottom for 45 minutes or adjust your oven accordingly
  • 6. Once cooked, remove from the pan, let cool

How to Make Mousse

  • 1. Beat until fluffy whipping cream with cold UHT milk
  • 2. Add melted chocolate @, agar2, powdered sugar alternately, stir using a spatula
  • 3. Put in the refrigerator, set aside

How to Make Tartlets

  • 1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl using a wooden spoon until the dough is mixed like grains of sand
  • 2. Unite the dough by hand, roll it with a rolling pin, cut the size according to the size of the mold. Cut lengthwise for the edges of the tartlets, cut into round shapes for the base of the tartlets. Do it until it runs out. Don't forget to press and trim the top edge of the tartlets
  • 3. Oven with a temperature of 170 ° C, fire up and down, for about 20 minutes or adjust the oven each


  • 1. Take the chocolate cake, cut into a round shape that is slightly smaller than the size of the tartlets. set aside
  • 2. Take the tartlets, place a piece of chocolate cake that has been cut into rounds in the tartlets. Then spray the mousse mixture on it until it is evenly covered as high as the tartlets
  • 3. Garnish the tartlets with strawberries and kiwi (or to taste)
  • 4. Serve cold, it's better

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