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Lupis Sticky Rice And How To Make Lupis From Sticky Rice

lupis sticky rice and how to make lupis from sticky rice

How To Make Lupis From Sticky Rice?

How to make glutinous rice, soak white glutinous rice for about 1 hour. Prepare whiting water, mix with glutinous rice and salt. Shape the banana leaf into a triangle. Fill a pot with water, bring it to a boil. while waiting for lupis to ripen. grated coconut: mix grated coconut, pandan leaves, and salt. other items•

What Cake Lupis?, jakarta lupis is one of the traditional wet cakes that is currently a bit difficult to find. This cake is sold in traditional markets. Lupis is made from sticky rice which is then wrapped in banana leaves.

How to Cook Lupis?

Bring water to a boil with salt and pandan leaves, about until all of the lupis are submerged in water. Put the lupis into the boiling water, cook for 5 minutes. then turn off the heat, leave it closed, don't open it for 30 minutes. After that, cook for another 7 minutes.

How Long to Boil Lupis Cake?

Prepare a pan, add all the ingredients for the kinca sauce. Turn on the heat and boil until dissolved and thickened. if so, then lift and strain. For topping, simply mix all ingredients and steam for about 15 minutes.


  • 300 gr Good Quality Glutinous Rice, soak for 1 hour
  • 2 Pandan Leaves, tie a knot
  • Enough water to boil
  • Banana leaves and enough sticks to wrap
  • 150 gr Grated Coconut, add a pinch of salt, steamed for 10 minutes

Syrup of palm sugar

  • 200 gr brown sugar, finely comb
  • 50 ml Water
  • 1 Sheet of Pandan Leaves, tie a knot
  • Mix all ingredients, boil until boiling and sugar dissolves

How to make

  • 1. Drain the soaked glutinous rice.
  • 2. Take a piece of banana leaf that has been cut into long strips. Fold one end into a triangle, then fold again until it forms like a funnel.
  • 3. Fill with glutinous rice until full, compact then fold into a triangular shape so there are no gaps. Pin with a stick or toothpick.
  • 4. Boil the water, pandan leaves, and lupis (approximately the water, and the lupis should be submerged). After boiling, boil 10 minutes from the time it boils.
  • 5. After 10 minutes turn off the heat in a tightly closed pan, let stand 30 minutes. Boil again for 10 minutes, counting when the water is already boiling. Then let it rest for 30 minutes.
  • 6. Drain the lupis, let it cool and set. Roll the lupis in grated coconut, drizzle with brown sugar.

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