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Parmesan Sausage Bread

parmesan sausage bread


  • 300 gr komachi flour
  • 50 gr medium protein flour
  • 20 gr cornstarch
  • 40 gr butter
  • 50 gr sugar
  • 40 gr SKM
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 1/2 tsp yeast (me: 4gr)
  • 150 ml cold liquid milk


  • Parmesan powder to taste (I didn't use about 40 gr gt)
  • 1 egg beaten off
  • 12 pc sausage pots 8-10cm (me: 13pc because I used a small sausage with a size of 6cm so I'll make the dough smaller too)


  • 1. Mix all ingredients except salt and butter mixer until half smooth, add salt and butter mixer until elastic
  • 2. Cover the cloth/plastic wrap and let it rest for 45 minutes until it doubles in size
  • 3. Roll out the dough and divide it into 12pc (@ 58-60gr), if I divide it into 13pc (@ 53gr), round it and cover it with a cloth and let it rest for 15 minutes
  • 4. Roll out the dough a little bit wider, or just press it with your palm, brush it with egg and press it into the parmesan cheese until it's all gone
  • 5. Proffing 45-60 minutes
  • 6. Preheat the oven for 10 minutes at 180 degrees
  • 7. While waiting for the oven to heat up, arrange the sausages on top of the bread, when placing the sausage, you have to press it down so that when it's cooked, the sausage is still in the middle of the bread, it doesn't go up, rub with mayonnaise/sauce/mozzarella if you like.
  • 8. Oven 15 minutes fire up and down temperature 180 degrees

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