Sweet Chicken Bread
Material A
- 400 gr high protein flour
- 100 gr medium protein flour
- 120 g sugar
- 30 g powdered milk
- 1/2 vanilla
- 5 gr whip cream powder / can be skipped
- 11 g instant yeast
- 4 g ibis (softener)
- 4 gr baker bonus (tenderizer)
Material B
- 1 whole egg
- 3 egg yolks
- 30 gr ice water
- 100 gr liquid milk
- 40 gr liquid whip cream
Material C
- 85 butter (I use wisjman mix anchor)
- 1/2 tsp salt
How to make
- - mix ingredients A, then add ingredients B
- – mixer until half smooth, then add ingredients C
- - shake again until smooth window pain
- – resting kurleb 30-40 minutes until it expands
- - Weigh the dough 40 gr each, fill it with filling then round it, put it in each lohang bulkhead that has been smeared with butter
- - do it to the end
- - cover the proofing napkin for about 1 hour (until it expands)
- - Grease the surface with egg yolk mixed with liquid milk
- - Bake at 190°C fire up and down for about 25 minutes.. (You have to adjust your oven each time..)
- - Remove and spread butter, serve
Chicken Filling Ingredients
- 300 gr ground chicken
- 3 pcs minced garlic
- 1 pc chopped onion
- 2 stalks spring onion
- 1 cm ginger puree
- 1 tbsp oyster sauce
- 3 tbsp sweet soy sauce
- 1 tbsp soy sauce
- 1/2 tsp ground pepper
- 1/4 tsp fine nutmeg
- 50 gr brown sugar
- Salt, broth powder to taste
How to Make Chicken Filling
- - saute onions until half cooked
- - then add chicken stir until cooked (add a little water)
- - add the rest of the other spices to taste test, stir until dry, remove
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