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Sticky Rice And How To Make Sticky Rice Diamonds

sticky rice and how to make sticky rice diamonds

How to make sticky rice diamonds?

How to make: wash the glutinous rice, then soak the glutinous rice for 30 minutes or 1 hour. Steam the glutinous rice with pandan leaves for 35 minutes. Boil the coconut milk, telang flower water, sugar, and salt until it boils and the sugar dissolves. put the sticky rice into the coconut milk stew. cook until the sticky rice is cooked and tough. other items•

Are Wajik Made From Glutinous Rice?

Wajik sticky rice is a typical snack from Central Java. generally made from white glutinous rice and brown sugar.

What are the Diamond Ingredients?

Ingredients 400 grams of white glutinous rice that has been washed, drained. 25 ml of hot water. 250 ml thick coconut milk, from 1 coconut. 250 grams of finely combed brown sugar. 3 pandan leaves. 1/2 tsp salt.

How Long Can Diamonds Last? - wajik merupakan salah satu kue tradisional yang umum digunakan untuk hantaran. kudapan ini terbuat dari beras ketan dan gula merah yang dimasak lama. jika dimasak dengan benar, kudapan ini bisa tahan lama. melansir dari masa simpan wajik bisa sampai 14 hari.

Bahan A

  • 250 gr beras ketan
  • 300 ml santan cair
  • 2 lbr daun pandan
  • 1/2 sdt garam

Bahan B

  • 200 ml santan cair
  • 3 keping gula aren
  • 2 lbr daun pandan

Cara Membuat

  • 1. Cuci bersih beras ketan diamkan semalaman
  • 2. Bilas lagi dengan air bersih
  • 3. Tuangakan beras ketan pada Vitarice Low Sugar Multi Cooker yang sudah dicuci bersih
  • 4. Tambahkan santan dan daun pandan juga garam
  • 5. Tekan tombol digital low sugar rice tunggu hingga matang dengan sendirinya
  • 6. Tuangkan santan dan daun pandan pada pan masak hingga mendidih
  • 7. Beri gula aren
  • 8. Tuang beras ketan aduk hingga menyusut
  • 9. Tuangkan ke dalam cetakan hingga dingin
  • 10. Slice and serve

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