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Gochu Twigim (korean Stuffed Chili Fries)

gochu twigim (korean stuffed chili fries)

Ingredients Gochu Twigim (Korean-style Fried Chilli Filled)

  • 8 large green chilies, seeds removed
  • 5 tablespoons cornstarch (dry flour)

Stuffing Ingredients

  • 100 g chicken fillet
  • 2 tbsp koji amino (substitute salt and msg for marinating chicken) by @_koh.jie
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 large red chili, remove seeds
  • 1 tbsp sesame oil
  • tsp ground pepper
  • 5 tbsp cornstarch
  • Enough cold water

Wet Flour Dough Ingredients

  • 100 g wheat flour
  • 40 gr cornstarch
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • tsp salt
  • tsp baking soda
  • 1 egg
  • Enough water

How to Make Gochu Twigim (Korean Stuffed Chili Fries)

  • 1. Marinate chicken with koji amino by @_koh.jie for approximately 30 – 60 minutes.
  • Koji amino itself can be used as a substitute for salt and MSG, we know that MSG if you consume too much is also not good.
  • 2. Puree the chicken meat together with garlic, big red chili, sesame oil, cornstarch and enough water
  • 3. Once smooth, put it in a piping bag, so it's easy to print
  • 4. Prepare large green chilies that have been seeded
  • 5. Fill the green chilies with the stuffing, then flatten with a spoon
  • 6. Sprinkle or coat the chili filled with cornstarch
  • 7. Make a wet flour dough by mixing all the ingredients with water then stir until the desired consistency
  • 8. Put the stuffed chili into the wet flour mixture and then fry it until it is browned and cooked
  • 9. Serve with tteokbokki or bangkok sauce

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