What Are the Benefits of Green Bananas for Health?
More videos on youtube are good for heart health. With a balanced diet, eating green bananas is very beneficial for health. supports the health of the muscular system. provides vitamin B6. helps maintain gut health. helps prolong satiety. provide insulin. a source of energy.
What bananas do you use to make green bananas?
Green bananas: 200 g of rice flour. 1 tbsp cornstarch. 50 g of sugar. 2 tbsp pandan suji leaf water. 400 ml thin coconut milk. 6 bananas kepok / horn / king lemongrass, peeled. banana leaf/thick plastic. other items•
Green Bananas Are Made From What Flour?
Green banana peel: mix rice flour, sago flour, wheat flour, coconut milk, sugar, and pandan leaf water.
What's the Difference Between Ijo Banana Ice and Palu Butung Ice?
"For green bananas, the bananas are steamed and then wrapped with a green skin mixture. Now, for Pallu Butung, the bananas are only steamed.
Green Banana Ingredients
- 10 ripe plantains, steamed
- 150 gr wheat flour
- 50 gr rice flour
- 400 ml coconut milk
- 100 ml pandan water
- 1/2 tsp pandan paste
- 1 tsp salt
- 50 ml sweet thick @indomilk
- 1 tbsp margarine
- Banana leaf
𝐁𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐯𝐥𝐚 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐧
- 1000 ml coconut milk
- 100 gr rice flour
- 1 tsp salt
- 150 gr sugar
- 2 pandan leaves, tie a knot
𝐁𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐩𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐚𝐩
- Ambon banana flavored red syrup
- Ice cubes as needed
- Pearl sago
- Sweet condensed @indomilk
How to Make Green Banana
- 1 Steamed banana
- 2 In a saucepan, mix flour, rice flour, coconut milk, pandan water, pandan paste, salt, sweet thick @indomilk Cook until thick
- 3 Enter the margarine, mix well until smooth and not sticky in the pan Turn off the heat, let it warm up
- 4 Prepare the banana leaf and rub the oil, take the dough to taste, flatten and fill the banana, roll it and trim it until all parts of the banana are covered with the skin mixture
- 5 Do it until it runs out, then steam for 10 minutes
- 6 Mix all the vla ingredients, cook while stirring until thick and bubbly
- 7 Cut green bananas, serve with coconut milk, and other complementary ingredients
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