Salt Chili Tofu Chips
- • 250g white or yellow free tofu
- • 3 cloves of red onion
- • 2 cloves of garlic
- • Chili according to taste
- • Sufficient cooking oil
- • chicken broth
- • salt
How to make
- • wash the tofu, then slice it thin². Then heat enough cooking oil. Next, fry the tofu until it turns brown
- • Slice the onion, garlic, and chili
- • when you're done frying, reduce the oil, saute the sliced spices until they smell good and change color
- • add the tofu that has been fried earlier, tsp of chicken stock and a pinch of salt (I don't have too much salt and chicken stock, because the tofu is already salty from the factory. For you, adjust it)
- • Fry if the tofu is evenly distributed in the seasoning. Crispy Tofu Chilli Salt is ready to be served.
- Can be used as a snack, can also be used as a side dish to eat rice
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