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Vegetable Bakwan And What Vegetable Bakwan

vegetable bakwan and what vegetable bakwan

What Vegetable Bakwan?

Vegetables that are commonly used for bakwan mix are cabbage, beans, bean sprouts, carrots, or you can also add shrimp and anchovies to the mixture. serve with cayenne pepper or your favorite chili sauce to make it more delicious.

What are Vegetable Bakwan Seasonings?

Ground spices: • 3 cloves of garlic. • 4 cloves of shallots. • 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper. • 1/2 teaspoon salt. • 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar. • 1/2 teaspoon chicken stock powder.

Bakwan Let Crispy What to Give?

How to make bakwan that is crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside is not difficult. You can use the addition of certain ingredients to make it crispy for a long time. These include baking soda and rice flour.

Steps How to Make Bakwan?

Cara membuat: iris tipis kol, wortel, dan daun bawang. jagung manis dipipil atau disisir. campur rata semua sayuran. masukkan bumbu halus, garam, dan kaldu bubuk. tambahkan tepung mocaf, tepung beras, dan air secukupnya. aduk hingga merata. masukkan telur dan aduk rata lagi. adonan bakwan siap digoreng.


  • Kol iris secukupnya
  • Segenggam toge
  • 2 btg daun bawang iris
  • 2 bh wortel uk.sedang diserut/potong korek
  • 350 gr tepung terigu
  • 2 sdm tepung beras
  • 3 siung bawang putih haluskan
  • Garam, Royco, air secukupnya
  • Minyak untuk menggoreng


  • 1. Cuci bersih toge, kol, daun bawang, wortel tiriskan. Siapkan wadah lalu masukkan semua bahan tadi kecuali air kemudian aduk rata.
  • 2. Tuang air sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk-aduk hingga rata dan agak padat/kental. Jangan terlalu cair. Koreksi rasa
  • 3. Pour enough oil then take a tablespoon and fry in hot oil until golden brown. Lift drain.
  • 4. Serve with chili sauce, Lombok, etc.

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