Vegetable Chicken Pastel
Material contents
- 200 gr Chicken fillet, boiled & shredded/chopped
- 6 pcs red onion, puree
- 4 cloves of garlic, puree
- 75 gr Potatoes, cut into small cubes, boiled
- 100 gr Carrot, cut into small cubes, boiled
- 75 gr chickpeas, cut into small pieces, boiled
- 1 tg scallion, finely sliced
- 1 stalk celery leaves, finely sliced
- 1 tsp Salt
- 2 tbsp sugar
- 1 tsp Pepper powder
- 1/4 tsp Nutmeg powder
- 1 tsp Mushroom broth
- Oil for frying
- 2 btr Hard-boiled eggs, thinly sliced into 16
- 250 gr medium protein flour
- 1/2 tsp Salt
- 50 gr Margarine
- 30 ml Vegetable oil
- 80 ml Water
How to make
- 1. Isi : panaskan minyak, tumis bawang merah & bawang putih hingga harum, masukkan ayam, wortel, kentang & buncis, aduk rata. Tambahkan lada bubuk, pala bubuk, gula pasir, garam dan kaldu jamur (bisa ditambahkan sedikit air agar tdk gosong), aduk rata. Koreksi rasa. Masak hingga bumbu meresap. Terakhir masukkan daun bawang & seledri, aduk rata. Angkat
- 2. Dlm wadah campur tepung & garam, aduk rata. Panaskan minyak sayur, masukkan margarine hingga mencair. Angkat & panas2 langsung tuang dlm tepung, aduk hingga rata dg sendok kayu.
- 3. Masukkan air, uleni hingga kalis. Bulatkan & diamkan selama 15 menit.
- 4. Divide the dough into 16 pc (according to taste), round it. Take 1 dough, flatten it using a rolling pin, make a round shape with a diameter of 9-10 cm. Give the stuffing, add the boiled egg, fold it into a half circle, press & close the edges then twist. Do it until the dough runs out
- 5. Heat the cooking oil over medium heat. Add the pastel, pour in the oil until it swells. Fry until golden brown. Lift & drain
- Serve the Vegetable Chicken Pastel.
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