Banana Chocolate Cheese Bolen
Material 1
- 100 g chakra flour
- 75 g margarine
- 1 tbsp oil
- * all ingredients are mixed well, rounded, let stand 10 minutes, divide into 15 circles
Material 2
- 200 g chakra flour
- 75 g margarine
- 80 ml water
- 30 g powdered sugar
- * All ingredients are kneaded until half smooth, just enough so that it doesn't stick to your hands and the container and don't knead for too long so that the dough doesn't stretch. Round, let stand 15 minutes, divide into 15 circles
Ingredients 3 (Stuffing)
- Banana plantains to taste (15 pieces) fried with a little margarine until slightly browned
- Cheese slices about the size of your pinky (15 pieces)
- Meses / shaved chocolate to taste
- 1 egg yolk
- 2 tsp liquid milk
- *stir well
- Grated Cheese/ Meses
- Roll out the dough (2) a little thinly wide, put the dough (1) on it.
- Fold the dough (2) to cover the entire portion of the dough (1) into a ball, place it in order on the baking sheet.
- do this until all the dough (1) and (2) is used up.
- Take the dough that has been rounded, roll it thin lengthwise and then fold it like an envelope, roll it again thinly lengthwise and then fold it again like an envelope.
- Roll thinly lengthwise for the last time then roll. Set aside on a baking sheet/tray.
- Do this until all the dough has been rolled and rolled. Leave it for 15 minutes.
- Take 1 roll of dough. Roll out a thin square then fill with banana, cheese and sprinkles of meses. Neat folding. Arrange in the pan.
- Do this until the dough rolls and filling are used up.
- Brush the surface with egg yolk. Sprinkle with cheese/meses.
- Bake until cooked (I'm about 25-30 minutes, medium heat tends to be high)
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