What is Chocolate Banana Bolen?
The typical Bandung chocolate ball is in the form of a pastry skin filled with chocolate paste. kompas.com - bolen in the form of a pastry skin filled with bananas originally from Bandung. In addition to bananas, you can make stuffing ballen from sweet to savory. One of the bread creations that you can make at home is chocolate cake.
How to Make Banana Balls?
"The bananas use plantains, which are usually made for delivery," said Lina, Tuesday (12/28/2021). Christianta Esnugraha, husband and owner of the Bolenku business, added that not all plantains can also be used. chris said that only good plantains could be used.
How Long To Bake Banana Bolens In The Electric Oven?
Oiling ingredients: mix so 1. Place the balls in the tin. love the spread. Put it in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees.
What is Corsvet?
Launching from Bakerpedia, korsvet or known as shortening pastry is a type of fat that is commonly used in pastry making. At first glance corsvette looks like butter but actually they are different. One of the differences is in the material of manufacture.
Material A
- 225 gr wheat flour
- 30 g of powdered sugar
- 90 gr margarine
- 75 ml water
Material B
- 125 gr wheat flour
- 85 gr margarine
- Bananas ripe enough
- Chocolate Meises
- Grated cheese
- Chocolate Meises
How to make
- 1. Ingredients A: mix flour, sugar and margarine, mix into a grainy dough. Pour in the water and mix together until it becomes a solid dough. Wrap in plastic wrap and let rest for 15 minutes in the refrigerator.
- 2. Ingredients B: mix the ingredients together until it becomes a solid dough, wrap in plastic wrap, let stand for 15 minutes in the refrigerator.
- 3. Divide the dough A and B into 20 parts (dough A: 20 gr dough B: 11gr)
- 4. Take dough A, roll it wide, give dough B, fold it into an envelope, roll it in single fold, fold it 3. Do the same thing once again.
- 5. Take the dough, roll it wide. Fill with banana and meises filling, fold like an envelope, arrange in a 20x31x4 cm divider tin.
- 6. Brush the top with oil, sprinkle with meises and grated cheese. Oven at 170° fire top down for 40 minutes. Remove and ready to serve.
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