Kastengel From What Language?
Kaasstengels (Dutch kaas, cheese; stengel, stems) are pastries made from a mixture of flour, eggs, margarine, and grated cheese.
What Materials To Make Kastengel?
Gluten free kastengel ingredients: 20 gr butter. 130 gr marmil margarine. 1 egg yolk. 50 gr edam cheese. 100 g grated cheese. 150 grams of rice flour. 15 gr cornstarch. 15 gr full cream frisian flag milk powder. other items•
Why Isn't Kastengel Cake Crispy?
2. Too much egg yolk The egg yolk can be another reason why the kastengel is not crunchy. too much egg yolk means more water content and makes it difficult for the dough to dry evenly. preferably, mama use 2 egg yolks for every 400 grams of flour.
How Much Does Kastengel Cake Cost?
Price per 1/2 kg (Rp) in 2020 and 2021, classic cheese kastengel is offered at a price of around Rp. 57 thousand to Rp. 95 thousand per 500 grams, rising to Rp. 55,000 to Rp. 110 thousand in 2022.
Kastengel Material
- 90 grams grated cheddar cheese
- 100 gr salted butter (me: anchor )
- 50 gr margarine (me: blue band)
- 15 g powdered sugar (sifted)
- 1 large egg yolk
- 20 gr cornstarch
- 15 grams of powdered milk
- 230 gr blue key flour
- 4 gr baking powder
- Spread: 1 egg yolk
- Topping: Grated cheddar cheese to taste
- 1. Use firm, not too soft cheddar cheese (me: prochiz)
- 2. How to quickly print kastengel without a print, see the last slides
How to make Kastengel
- 1. Bake 90 grams of grated cheddar cheese at 180°C for 10 minutes until browned. Set aside.
- 2. Low speed mixer of butter, margarine, and powdered sugar for a while until well blended.
- 3. Enter the eggs, mix briefly until blended.
- 4. Enter the grated cheese that has been baked, mix well.
- 5. Enter the flour, milk powder, cornstarch, and baking powder while sifting, mixer until well blended or mix well using a spatula.
- 6. Roll out the dough with a thickness of 1/2 or 1 cm. Print according to taste, arrange on the baking sheet. Brush with egg yolk, sprinkle with grated cheese.
- 7. Bake at a temperature of 150°C. Fire up and down for 40 minutes or until cooked/brown (according to each oven).
- 8. Once cool, put it in a jar.
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