Chocolate Syringe Cake
- 100 gr butter mix margarine
- 85 gr sweetened condensed milk (SKM)
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 5 drops of dark red cake coloring
- 140 gr cornstarch
- 25 g milk powder
- 10 gr cocoa powder
- Chocochips as needed for topping
How to make
- 1. Beat butter, margarine, SKM, baking soda, and red dye until well blended.
- 2. Enter the cornstarch, milk powder, and cocoa powder while sifting, mix well using a spatula.
- 3. Put the dough into a plastic triangle, pour it into a baking sheet that has been greased and lined with parchment paper.
- 4. Bake at 140°C for 35-40 minutes or until cooked (depending on your oven).
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