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Lapis Surabaya And Lapis Surabaya Use What Sugar

lapis surabaya and lapis surabaya use what sugar

Lapis Surabaya Use What Sugar?

115 gr granulated sugar or caster sugar. 125 gr butter, beat until smooth and white. 50 gr flour (sifted) 1/2 tsp vanilla powder.

How much does Lapis Surabaya cost?

Latest surabaya layer cake price list may 2022 product surabaya layer cake price rp55,000 spikoe ancient recipe regular surabaya layer cake rp99,000 spikoe ancient recipe regular surabaya layer cake rp105,000 spikoe ancient recipe regular surabaya layer cake rp115,000 6 more lines

What is Spiku? - The ancient spikoe or spiku is a typical Surabaya cake that is often used as a souvenir when visiting the city of heroes. According to the tabloid "Delicacy August 25–07, 2012" published by Mediantara Infopersada, the word spiku comes from the Dutch language, namely spekkoek.

How Much Can Lapis Surabaya Cut?

One box of surabaya heroes' sponge cake can be cut into 16-20 pieces which is ideal for consumption of 5-6 people.

Yellow Coating Material

  • 15 grains of warts
  • 115 gr sugar
  • 150 gr butter
  • 60 gr low protein flour
  • 10 grams of powdered milk
  • 10 gr cornstarch
  • 1 tbsp SKM
  • 1 tsp vanilla

Chocolate Coating Material

  • 15 grains of warts
  • 115 gr sugar
  • 150 gr butter
  • 40 gr low protein flour
  • 10 grams of powdered milk
  • 10 gr cornstarch
  • 1 tbsp SKM
  • 20 gr cocoa powder
  • 1 tbsp chocolate pasta

How to make

  • To make the yellow and brown dough, the method is the same
  • 1. Mixer butter and skm until fluffy pale, mixer for 10 minutes, set aside
  • 2. Mixer kutel and gulpas until fluffy, pale, and thick about 10 minutes
  • 3. Lower the mixer speed to the lowest, add the butter gradually, then add the dry ingredients that have been sifted in stages + vanilla (if the mixture is chocolate, add cocoa powder + cocoa paste) Turn off the mixer, mix with a spatula.
  • 4. Pour into a square tin uk 22 or 24, which has been lined with baking paper, then pound it a few times.
  • 5. Preheat the oven. Then Oven with a temperature of 165° fire up and down for 25 to 30 minutes (adjust each oven). Prick test. When it is cooked, remove it from the tin. Chill.
  • 6. Spread the yellow layer with the strawberry jam thinly and evenly, overwrite it with the chocolate layer (you can first smear the chocolate layer with the strawberries, then the yellow layer... you like it )

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