Mini Marble Cake
- 55 gr butter
- 50 gr margarine
- 3 egg yolks (I use 4 because they are small)
- 30 g of powdered sugar
- 70 gr medium protein flour
- 15 grams of powdered milk
- 1/4 tsp baking powder
- 2 egg whites
- 50 gr sugar
- A little lime/lemon juice
- Chocolate powder to taste
- Pandan paste to taste
- Mocha coffee paste to taste
How to make
- 1. Beat margarine, butter, and powdered sugar until fluffy, enter the kutel 1 by 1, beat until fluffy and pale.
- 2. Enter the flour, milk powder, baking powder that has been sifted, stir using a whisk or spatula in one direction only to taste. Set aside.
- 3. Beat the putel until foamy, add the lime juice, then the sugar gradually, beat until soft peaks.
- 4. Mix the putel mixture into the butter mixture gradually, mix well, do not overmix.
- 5. Take the dough to taste 3 parts to mix msg2 with mocha paste, chocolate, pandan.
- 6. Pour the batter with a spoon into the greased baking sheet, alternately until almost full, stirring in a circle with chopsticks.
- 7. Bake at 160°C for 10 minutes, 150°C for 10 minutes and 140°C for 10 minutes depending on your respective oven.
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