Serving home recipes that are easy for everyone to make and ingredients that are easily available. Inspires cooking enthusiasts. homemade food is a topic which can be of general interest, as well as especially relevant in the current day and age where people value convenience over quality when it comes to their diet choices. Home cooking has been largely replaced by eating out or buying pre-prepared foods, but there is a growing number of people who want to try this more traditional form of cook
100 gr Steamed Pumpkin, mashed (heavy after steaming)
1 pc Egg
45 ml of warm water (can be added / reduced, adjust the moisture of the flour)
5 gr Instant Yeast
45 gr Butter
1/4 tsp fine salt
Donut Sugar
How to make
1. In a bowl, mix all ingredients except butter & salt
2. Mixer or knead until half smooth (my hand, knead 😊).
3. Add butter and salt, knead again until elastic (passed the windowpane test). Round the dough, grease the bowl with oil, put the dough in the bowl. Cover with plastic wrap or a clean towel, rest for 1 hour or until doubled in size.
4. Deflate the dough, transfer to the silmat. Knead briefly
5. Flatten, then divide & weigh the dough weighing @ 55gr (sy @ 40gr). Round and place on baking paper that has been dusted with a little flour. Rest 15 minutes (be careful not to over-proof, the donuts will wrinkle after frying).
6. After expanding, gently press the top, so that it is slightly flat. Make a hole in the middle using the base of the syringe or you can use a donut mold.
7. Fry with hot oil using medium heat until cooked, just turning once (so as not to absorb too much oil). Lift & drain.
Sprinkle with donuts or topping according to taste.
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