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Soft Donuts And How Long Is Donut Proofing Time

soft donuts and how long is donut proofing time

How Long is Donut Proofing Time?

According to Nurroji, the first proofing of donut dough takes about 30 minutes and the second proofing of donut dough takes 10-15 minutes. the actual proofing duration depends on the room temperature. proofing can be done directly in the proofing machine so it doesn't take too long.

What to Do If Donuts Don't Rise?

Place in a warm room temperature according to, if the dough doesn't rise, transfer it to a warmer place. Give more time for the donut dough to rise. If the recipe says it will take an hour but the dough has not fully risen, then let it rest for another 30 minutes.

How to Make Donuts What are the Ingredients?

Recipe for soft donuts with six ingredients 250 grams of high protein wheat flour. 55 grams of sugar. 2 egg yolks. 125 liquid milk. 5 grams of yeast. 40 grams of margarine, melt and cool.

What Flour Is Used To Make Donuts?

Using komachi flour lately, this flour has become a trend because it is used to make donuts and soft bread, lo.

Material A

  • 250 gr high protein flour (chakra)
  • 50 gr sugar (if you don't like it sweet you can reduce it)
  • 1 tsp instant yeast
  • 1 pc Egg
  • 100-125 ml cold liquid milk

Material B

  • 40 gr Margarine / butter
  • 1/4 tsp Salt


  • 1. Mix the flour, sugar, yeast, eggs, stir/mixer while pouring the milk little by little, stop pouring the milk when you feel the dough is right (because it depends on the size of the eggs) mixer until half smooth.
  • 2. Then add salt and margarine/butter, knead until it's elastic (not sticky to hands or mixer).
  • 3. Rest the dough for +-30 minutes (cover with a napkin) until it has doubled in size. After rising, deflate the dough.
  • 4. Divide the dough 40 grams each, then round it. Rest again until it expands lightly.
  • 5. Flatten the dough while being floured a little so it doesn't stick, then punch holes in the donuts with a donut mold / syringe, fry in medium-low heat oil.
  • 6. Drain and add toppings according to taste.

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