Super Soft Cut Cake
Super Soft Cut Cake Ingredients
- 4 chicken eggs (fresh)
- 100 gr sugar
- 1 tsp sp
- 100 gr blue key
- 20 gr milk powder
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 80 gr butter (butter) melted
- • Grated cheese
- • Chocolate Meses
How to Make Super Soft Cut Cake
- • Prepare a 20×20 cm square tin, grease with margarine and sprinkle a little flour, cover the bottom with baking paper, set aside
- • Sift flour, milk, vanilla, baking soda in a bowl, set aside
- • Beat the eggs, sugar, high speed sp until white, fluffy, thick with traces, then lower the speed to medium, gradually add the flour mixture, turn off the mixer, lastly add the melted butter, stir gently using a spatula until homogeneous.
- • Pour into the pan, then stomping to get out the air that settles.
- • Put it in the preheated oven, using a fire of 160 • top and bottom, oven for about 30-35 minutes (until cooked, check with a toothpick). Chill.
- • Brush with butter cream, cut into pieces according to taste, top with cheese and messes, ready to be served
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