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Lime Young Coconut Pudding

lime young coconut pudding

Young Coconut Pudding Ingredients

  • 1 pack of Agar2 White
  • 1.5 tsp Young Coconut Powder Jelly (can be replaced with plain)
  • 800 ml Coconut Water
  • 150 gr granulated sugar (adjust to taste)
  • 1 btr Young Coconut, scrape long
  • 1 tsp Basil, soak until fluffy
  • 2 tsp Lime Juice

Lime Pudding Ingredients

  • 1 pack of red agar
  • 4 packs of Nutrisari Lime
  • 700 ml Coconut Water (can be replaced with plain water)

How to make

  • 1. Young Coconut Pudding: in a saucepan add coconut water, agar2, jelly powder and sugar, stir until evenly distributed. Cook over medium heat while stirring until it boils. Lift
  • 2. Add lime juice, stir until the hot steam disappears and the pudding thickens. Add young coconut and basil, stir until spread. Pour into a mold that has been moistened with boiled water. Let it set (the top is crusty when touched, the pudding doesn't stick)
  • 3. Lime Pudding: in a saucepan, add coconut water, agar2 and lime juice, stir until evenly distributed (you can add sugar to taste, if it's not sweet enough). Cook over medium heat while stirring until it boils. Remove, pour slowly using a spoon over the young coconut pudding that has been set. Let it cool at room temperature, then refrigerate until the pudding is completely frozen. Remove from refrigerator.
  • 4. Serve the cold Lime Young Coconut Pudding more delicious.

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