Lumpia Sayur Beef Bolognese
- 150 gr bihun, rendam hingga lunak lalu tiriskan
- 2 buah wortel, parut kasar
- 2 pack kulit lumpia siap pakai
- 1 pack beef bolognese pasta sauce
- 1/2 buah kol, diiris-iris
- 2 batang bawang daun seledri
- 4 siung bawang putih diiris-iris
- 2 butir bawang merah diiris-iris
- 1 sdt kaldu bubuk rasa sapi
- 1/2 sdt merica bubuk
- 50 ml air
- 2 sdm minyak goreng untuk menumis
- Minyak goreng secukupnya untuk menggoreng
Sambal Kacang
- 100 gr kacang tanah goreng
- 4 butir cabai rawit
- 100 ml air (kekentalan sesuai selera)
- 1/2 sdt cuka
- 2 sdm saos sambal
- 1 sdt gula pasir
- 1/2 sdt garam
Cara Membuat
- 1. Panaskan minyak lalu tumis bawang merah dan bawang putih hingga harum.
- 2. Masukkan kol dan wortel, lalu masukkan air,merica dan kaldu bubuk, aduk hingga sayuran layu.
- 3. Add the pasta sauce. Stir until smooth then add the vermicelli, scallions and celery. Cook until well mixed. Remove and cool.
- 4. Take a sheet of spring roll skin and place 2 tablespoons of the filling. Then fold and glue with flour that has been mixed with water. If you use spring roll skin that you buy in the market, it should be doubled so that the spring rolls don't tear easily.
- 5. Do it until the dough is used up. Then heat the cooking oil until golden brown and remove. Spring rolls are ready to be served with peanut sauce.
- 6. Chili ingredients: puree peanuts and chili Add water, salt, sugar, sauce and vinegar. Stir well
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