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Ants Nest Sponge And How To Make Ants Nest Sponge

ants nest sponge and how to make ants nest sponge

How to Make Ants Nest Sponge?

5. Sponge ant nest tangkring oven 250 gr granulated sugar. 1 cup star fruit hot water. 85 grams of flour. 85 gr of starch / tapioca. 4 eggs. 2 sc sc. a little vanilla. 1 tsp baking powder. other items•How long does it take to bake caramel sponge? Bake the caramel sponge for 60 minutes until fully cooked.

Can Caramel Sponge Be Steamed?

Steam the caramel sponge over medium heat until cooked through, about 35 minutes. After the sponge is cooked, remove it and let it cool before removing it from the pan. Cut the caramel sponge according to taste.

How to Make Caramel Cake?

How to make: mix palm sugar and water as much as 50 ml into a saucepan. Boil over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. add butter, lime juice and 50 ml of water. Cook until all ingredients come to a boil and sauce thickens. Remove immediately from the stove when the caramel sauce is light brown. other items•


  • 250 g of sugar.
  • 300 ml of hot water.
  • 3 eggs .
  • 90 gr trigu flour.
  • 90 gr tapioca flour.
  • 100 ml SKM .
  • 120 gr melted margarine.
  • tsp BP.
  • tsp baking soda.

How to make

  • 1. Cook the sugar over medium low heat until it caramelizes. Then pour in the hot water little by little until it runs out (be careful with the hot steam). Stir until the caramelized sugar is dissolved. Then turn off the heat and set it aside to room temperature.
  • 2. Preheat the oven to 175⁰. Prepare a 20″ tulban tin, spread a little margarine and sprinkle a little flour. set aside.
  • 3. In another bowl, mix the flour, tapioca, BP and baking soda, mix well using a whisk.
  • 4. Then pour the liquid caramelized sugar, eggs, and SKM. Stir until everything is evenly mixed. Finally, add the melted margarine. Stir well.
  • 5 . Pour the liquid mixture slowly into the pan while straining. Then bake until cooked about 45-50 minutes (according to each oven). Enjoy..

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