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Bakpia Jogja And How Much Does Bakpia Jogja Cost

bakpia jogja and how much does bakpia jogja cost

How much does Bakpia Jogja cost?

Latest price list for Jogja bakpia in 2020, typical Jogja kenyes bakpia mix cheese and chocolate bakpia rp 37,400 pathok bakpia 525 dry green bean flavor pastries [20 pcs] rp 25,000 steamed bakpia monument chocolate brownies dry food [10 pcs] rp 35,000 steamed bakpia flavor monument green beans [contents of 10 pcs] rp 35.000 6 more lines

What Brand is Delicious Bakpia?

List of delicious bakpia in Jogja Bakpia Kurnia Sari. image source: kurniasari. 2. bakpia pathok 25. image source: bakpia25. 3. bakpia pathok 75. image source: instagram jogjataste. 4. my bakpie. image source: bakpiaku. premium image bakpia. 6. Golden Bakpia. 7. bakpia djava. 10. bakpia juwara satoe.

How Long Can Bakpia Last?

Ahmad Sudrajat, supervisor for Bakpia Pathok 25, told (31/08/2021) that the wet bakpia only lasted four to five days. while dry bakpia can be up to 10 days. "Here, the wet bakpia only lasts four days, a maximum of five days," said Ahmad.

What is the Difference Between Wet and Dry Bakpia?

2. Skin texture if observed more observant, dry bakpia skin and wet bakpia different. According to Ahmad, the skin texture of dry bakpia is usually crispy, while the skin of wet bakpia tends to be moist. "Dried bakpia is more crispy. If you bite it, it becomes more crunchy," said Ahmad.

Dough Ingredients A

  • – 125 gr all-purpose flour
  • – 25 gr margarine
  • – 25 grams of granulated sugar
  • – 50 ml of water
  • – 1 tbsp oil

B Dough Ingredients

  • – 50 gr all-purpose flour
  • – 25 margarine
  • – 1 tbsp oil

How to make

  • - Knead the dough until smooth, the use of water can be added or reduced if the dough is already smooth.
  • - Let each dough rest for 15 minutes covered with plastic wrap.
  • - Divide the dough into 15 parts
  • – how to form, combine dough A, flatten, then add dough B, flatten again and fill with chocolate filling.
  • - Bake in a pan over low heat and while turning until golden brown.

For Chocolate Filling

  • 125 grams of DCC
  • 20 grams of flour
  • 20 grams of powdered sugar
  • 20 grams of powdered milk
  • 30 grams of butter

How to make

  • - Roast the flour for about 5 minutes over low heat, then add the thinly sliced ​​DCC, powdered sugar, milk powder and margarine
  • – Stir until smooth, divide into 15 and round ready to use for Bakpia stuffing.

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