Chocolate Pandan Steamed Brownies
Material 1
- 3 eggs
- 100 gr granulated sugar
- 1/2 tsp Emulsifier
- 60 gr Wheat Flour
- 1/2 tsp Baking Powder
- 50 ml Cooking Oil
Material 2
- 25 gr Dark Cooking Chocolate
- 2 tbsp Cooking Oil
- 1/2 tsp Pandan Paste
- 25 gr Cocoa Powder, dilute with enough water to make a paste
- Butter Cream Pandan and Meises to taste
- Decoration : EDIBLE STAMP Code 004
How to Make Pandan Chocolate Steamed Brownies
- 1. Mix DCC with cooking oil, team until melted. Set aside.
- 2. Beat eggs, granulated sugar and emulsifier until fluffy white is trailing, add flour and baking powder, mixer on low speed.
- 3. Add the cooking oil on a low speed mixer as long as it's smooth, then stir back using a spatula.
- 4. Divide the dough into 2 parts, one part add melted DCC and diluted cocoa powder, one part add pandan paste.
- 5. Steam the chocolate mixture for 10 minutes, stack it with the pandan mixture, steam again for another 30 minutes on medium heat.
- 6. Once cooked, remove from the pan, let cool, spread with butter cream.
- 7. Sprinkle with meises and decorate with edible stamps.
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