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Egg White Sponge And Is Making Sponge Using Egg White

egg white sponge and is making sponge using egg white

Is Making Sponge Using Egg White?

Ingredients for baked egg white sponge 350 grams of egg white. 200 grams of sugar. 200 grams of flour.

What can egg whites be made of?

Sometimes, when making cakes or cakes, we use more egg yolks, so there is a lot of egg white left. Well, the rest of the egg whites can be processed into other foods, friends. Egg whites, which are high in protein, can be processed into pepes, fried chili sauce, stir-fried, and made into balado. other items•


  • 450 g egg white.
  • 180 g of sugar.
  • 1 tsp SP.
  • 20 gr cornstarch.
  • 30 grams of powdered milk.
  • 175 gr trigu flour.
  • 175 gr margarine butter. Melt.
  • Chocolate pasta and pandan pasta are sckup.

How to make

  • 1.* Prepare a 22″ or 24 tulban tin. Spread thinly with margarine and sprinkle with a little flour. set aside. *Heat the oven to a temperature of 165⁰-170⁰. Use fire over below. * Sift into 1, trigu flour, milk powder, and cornstarch. set aside.
  • 2. Mixer egg whites, Sp, and sugar until fluffy thick trails. Then reduce the speed, add the flour sifter. Mix until smooth. Turn off the mixer.
  • 3. Pour margarine, stir with a spatula until blended. Then divide into 3 dough, add chocolate and pandan paste. Mix well each dough (leave one dough white and add a little vanilla paste).
  • 4. Pour the batter into the tin, alternately. Hit it slowly. Then bake until cooked about 45-55 minutes (Adjust each OVEN). Don't forget to do a toothpick test.

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