Bread Pudding
- 200 gr Bread, torn/cut into 2
- 100 gr Salted Butter
- 350 cc Full Cream Liquid Milk
- 4 fresh chicken eggs
- 100 gr granulated sugar
- 1 tsp good quality vanilla paste
- Dates to taste, remove the seeds (me: raisins)
- Almond slice
- Palm sugar
- Cinnamon Powder
How to make
- 1. Arrange the white bread on a baking sheet / cup / ramekin, tear it according to taste or cut it according to taste then spread the dates as you like.
- 2. Warm the milk and butter until melted, set aside.
- 3. In another bowl, beat the eggs+sugar using a balloon whisk, add the warm buttermilk mixture to the egg mixture while whisking until smooth.
- 4. Pour into the dish containing the bread, making sure the surface of the bread is evenly flushed.
- 5. Bake in the oven at 170 degrees for 45 minutes or do a toothpick test (me: long enough, almost an hour). Pudding will rise high in the oven and then deflate slightly when cooked.
- 6. After the pudding is cooked, sprinkle with palm sugar + cinnamon powder, pour in the vanilla sauce, yummy
Custard Sauce Ingredients
- Warm 250cc of liquid milk until you see small bubbles on the edges (about 3 minutes), turn off the heat, set aside. In another bowl, beat 1 egg yolk + 2 tbsp Gulpas + 1 tbsp Vanilla paste + 1 tbsp Rhum + 1 tsp Maizena. Enter the beaten egg yolks into the warm liquid milk, beat quickly with a whisk until thickened.
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