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Floss Roll Bread

floss roll bread


  • 300 gr high pro flour
  • 50 gr medium pro flour
  • 6 g instant yeast
  • 40 g sugar
  • 1 whole egg (weight 55 g)
  • 200 ml room temperature liquid milk
  • 7 g salt
  • 50 Gr Butter, Melt


  • 5 tbsp mayonnaise
  • 2 tbsp SKM (to taste)
  • Mix the 2 ingredients.
  • Shredded enough


  • Green onions, small slices
  • Red chilies, small slices
  • Black and white sesame


  • 1 Egg Yolk + 1 Tbsp Liquid Milk

How to make

  • 1. Mix liquid milk, sugar, eggs, yeast and salt. Stir until well blended.
  • 2. Pour into a bowl of flour, mix with a pair of chopsticks.
  • 3. After all the flour is mixed with the liquid ingredients, use your hands to mix more evenly until it forms a lumpy dough.
  • 4. Pour in the melted butter, mix by lightly kneading until the butter is evenly absorbed. The dough is a bit sticky.
  • 5. Cover with plastic wrap, rest the dough for 20 minutes.
  • 6. After 20 minutes, open the plastic wrap, pull and fold the dough 10 times. You can see how it works on my YouTube.
  • 7. Cover with plastic wrap and rest for 20 minutes.
  • 8. After 20 minutes, reopen the plastic wrap, repeat pulling and folding the dough 10 times. Roll out the dough, cover with plastic wrap and rest for 30 minutes.
  • 9. After 30 min, deflate the dough. Divide the dough, I divide it into 2 doughs @ 250gr and the rest I make with chocolate filling.
  • 10. Round each dough, roll out a thin square (me: pastry tin uk. 28x28cm). Place on a baking sheet that has been greased with margarine and lined with baking paper.
  • 11. Prick with a fork, spread with the oil. Sprinkle with chopped scallions, chilies and sesame seeds.
  • 12. Bake with a temperature of 180C fire up and down until cooked.
  • 13. For how to roll, I'll just share it in the video. Long 😂

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