Redvelvet Roll Cake
Material A
- 4 chicken eggs
- 3 egg yolks
- tbsp SP
Ingredients B (Sifted)
- 80 gr low protein flour
- 10 g cornstarch
- 10 grams of powdered milk
- tsp Baking Powder
- 100 gr fine granulated sugar
Material C
- 70 gr butter, melted (don't get it on the stove fire, give some distance from the fire)
- tsp melted vanilla
- Red Velvet Pasta
Toppings and fillings
- Dip Glaze Cheese @Goldenfil
How to make
- 1. Preheat the oven to 200 delci, fire up and down, the bottom rack position
- 2. Prepare a 26x26x4cm baking sheet, grease with margarine, cover with baking paper
- 3. Mix ingredients A and B until thick, expand and trace, turn off the mixer
- 4. Enter the ingredients C, stir using a spatula until well blended
- 5. Pour into the pan, beat 2x, bake for 12 minutes on top and bottom, turn on the blower oven
- 6. Remove from oven, prepare baking paper, remove cake from pan, without turning, let cool. Top position for inside, bottom position for outside, spread with cheese glaze, roll up, let stand in chiller 1 to 2 hours, to set
- 7. Remove the topping with cheese glaze and a sprinkling of chocochip crispy ball
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