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Super Soft Pizza And What Kind Of Flour Is Pizza Suitable For

super soft pizza and what kind of flour is pizza suitable for

What kind of flour is pizza suitable for?

If you like the type of pizza with soft, soft and fluffy bread, you should use high protein flour. The high protein content in flour will make it easier for the dough to form gluten which in the end will make it easier to expand.

Can Pizza Dough Leave Overnight?

The dough can last up to 3 days. if it will be used, remove the dough and let stand at room temperature for 1 hour then shape as needed. If stored in the freezer, it can last up to 1-2 months. when going to use, transfer the dough to the refrigerator and let stand overnight (12 hours).

How Long Does Pizza Bake Take?

Bake the pizza in the oven at 150 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes, or until the mozzarella cheese is melted.

What's Pizza Dough?

500 gram all-purpose flour pizza dough. 1/2 tablespoon fermipan or other instant yeast. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1 tablespoon sugar. 3 tablespoons olive oil. 200 ml of warm water or according to taste.

Material A

  • 200 gr High Protein Wheat Flour
  • 100 gr Medium Protein Wheat Flour
  • 30 gr sugar
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 4 grams Instant Yeast
  • 150 ml Cold Water

Material B

  • 1/4 tsp Salt
  • 30 grams Butter


  • Instant Bolognaise Sauce
  • Grilled Beef Ribs Sausage @sosisbigfarm
  • mozzarella
  • Oregano
  • mayonnaise
  • Tomato sauce
  • Onion

How to make

  • 1. Mix all ingredients A until smooth... a sign that the dough is no longer sticking to the bowl
  • 2. Enter the ingredients B and continue the mixer until the Elastic is Transparent
  • 3. Divide the dough into 2 then roll it round and arrange it on a baking sheet that has been greased with butter.
  • 4. poke a fork in the middle..sprinkle with bolognaise sauce..add sausage..moza cheese..spray mayo and tomato sauce..sprinkle with Oregano, onion.
  • 5. Bake at 190 degrees for 20-22 minutes fire up and down

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