Sweet Potato Pudding Pie
Crust Material
- -275 butter (I mix butter & margarine)
- – 75 grams of powdered sugar
- – 500 gr blue key flour
- – 3 egg yolks
- – 50 gr milk powder (2 full tablespoons)
- – 2 drops of yellow dye
- – mix margarine+butter, then add egg yolks, then flour & powdered milk..Keep in the refrigerator for 30 minutes..print on a baking sheet
- - Oven over medium heat until slightly golden brown, remove and set aside.
- -mix all ingredients, cook until boiling.. divide into 2, give each part pink & purple coloring, pour into the pink pie shell, let sit until slightly set, then pour purple color.. (filter it, so the surface is smooth, if bubbles appear gently stab the surface with a fork) then cool, let it harden... cut into pieces and serve
Filling Material
- 2 packs of white agar powder
- 1 tbsp cornstarch
- 200 gr white chocolate
- 1300 ml liquid milk
- 300 ml coconut milk
- 200 gr sugar
- 1 tts red dye
- 2 tts purple coloring
- 100 gr steamed yellow sweet potato mashed in a blender
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