Serving home recipes that are easy for everyone to make and ingredients that are easily available. Inspires cooking enthusiasts. homemade food is a topic which can be of general interest, as well as especially relevant in the current day and age where people value convenience over quality when it comes to their diet choices. Home cooking has been largely replaced by eating out or buying pre-prepared foods, but there is a growing number of people who want to try this more traditional form of cook
80 ml coconut milk (1 sachet of coconut milk 65 ml + water makes 80 ml)
60ml vegetable oil
Pandan paste to taste
1/2 tsp salt
Material B
4 egg whites
70gr granulated sugar
1 tbsp lime juice
Butter cream (oil)
Grated cheese and meses (balur)
How to make
1. Stir in the egg yolks, sugar, salt until the sugar is dissolved.
2. Then add the coconut milk, add it little by little while stirring with wihks until well blended.
3. Add vegetable oil and stir until everything is well mixed. Then add the pandan paste and mix well.
4. Then add the flour and milk powder while sifting. Stir until the dough is smooth. set aside
5.Ingredient B: in a different bowl, mix the egg whites until frothy using low speed, then add the lime juice while beating. Add sugar gradually, until 3x in. Mixer until soft peak crested.
6. Mix ingredients B into ingredient A gradually while stirring gently. Stir until all the dough is evenly mixed.
7. Then oven at 150 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes on low heat, then 25 minutes on top and bottom fire. Or according to each oven
8. Once cooked, turn the pan on a cooling rack until the cake is really cold. After it cools, remove the cake slowly by pressing it, then turning it and pushing it down.
9. Spread with butter cream, coat with cheese or meses. Ready to serve
When you get out of the oven, immediately turn the pan over and let it cool down and then remove it from the pan and take it out slowly.
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