Putu Ayu Purple Carrot
- 200 gr Purple Carrot, cut into pieces
- 50 ml Water
- 85 ml Purple carrot juice
- 100 ml coconut milk @karasantan.id
- 250 gr grated coconut
- 2 Tbsp Corn Flour
- 1/4 tsp Fine Salt
- 2 chicken eggs
- 125 gr granulated sugar
- 1 Tbsp Ovalet
- 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
- 175 gr all-purpose flour
- 1 tsp Baking Powder
- 1/4 tsp fine salt
How to make
- 1. Sift flour with baking powder and salt. set aside
- 2. Combine grated coconut, cornstarch and salt, mix well. steam for 10 minutes.
- 3. Enter the steamed grated coconut into the mold then compact it.
- 4. Enter into a blender, purple carrots and water, blend until smooth and strain. Set aside 85 ml of purple carrot juice.
- 5. Mix coconut milk with purple carrot juice, mix well.
- 6. Mixer caster sugar, eggs and ovalette until swelled, thick and traced. Mixer about 6-8 Minutes.
- 7. Masukan campuran Santan secara bergantian dengan campuran tepung,kocok sampai mengental dan tercampur rata.
- 8. Tuangkan adonan kedalam cetakan. Panaskan kukusan.l, Kukus kue selama 12 Menit Sampai matang.
- 9. Setelah matang angkat dan keluarkan kue dari cetakan.
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