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Candied Rambutan And How To Make Candied Rambutan

candied rambutan and how to make candied rambutan

How to make candied rambutan?

How to cook recipe step 1. Peel the rambutan, remove the seeds. step 2. sweet orange, squeezed. Step 3. Dissolve honey in orange juice. step 4. meanwhile, dissolve the sugar with a glass of water. boil with chili ulek. after dissolved, remove, cool. Step 5. Mix everything in a bowl. step 6. ready to serve.

What is delicious rambutan made?

Recipe for delicious and fresh rambutan pickled rambutan. Ingredients: 2. Ice rambutan basil. Ingredients: candied rambutan. ingredients: 4. rambutan brownies. Ingredients: rambutan pudding. Ingredients: 6. Ice Cucumber Rambutan. ingredients: 7. rambutan lime ice. Ingredients: 8. Rujak rambutan. ingredients: other items•

How to Preserve Rambutan Fruit?

"Actually, for rambutan, if you want it to last, store it in the refrigerator," explained the corporate chef of Parador Hotels & Resorts, Gatot Susanto, Tuesday (12/29/2020). He suggested that the rambutan be stored in the refrigerator. because if stored outside the refrigerator the rambutan fruit will wither and dry.


  • 2 kg rambutan, peeled & seeds removed
  • 150 gr sugar
  • 500 ml water
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 2 limes, squeeze the juice
  • 2 limes, squeeze the water
  • 2 pieces of curly red chili, puree

How to make

  • 1. Bring the water to a boil, then add the sugar. Stir until the sugar is dissolved, turn off the heat.
  • 2. Mix rambutan, sugar solution water, salt, lime juice, lime juice and chili. Stir. Taste test.
  • 3. Serve cold more delicious.

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