What Are the Ingredients for Cheese Cork Eggs?
Recipe ingredients for cheese cork eggs 250 grams of sago flour / starch / tapioca. 2 eggs. 50 grams of butter. 100 grams of grated cheddar cheese. 1/4 teaspoon salt oil for frying.
Why Do Cork Egg Cakes Break When Fried?
When frying cork eggs, you should not turn them too often. Cork eggs are often turned over so easily damaged and broken.
Make Cork Eggs What Flour?
Crispy savory cork eggs without cheese. Beat eggs and stock powder until smooth. add tapioca flour. stir again until smooth.
Why Are They Called Cork Eggs?
It is called cork cake or cork egg, because its shape is similar to snakehead fish eggs, which are small, oval, and tapered.
- 50 gr Margarine
- 125 gr chedder cheese
- 3 eggs
- 375 gr tapioca flour
- 1 tsp Broth powder
- The oil for frying
- 1. Masukkan kdlm chopper margarin, keju dan telur, blender hingga rata
- 2. Tuangkan adonan td ke dlm mangkok besar, lalu maaukkan kaldu bubuk, dan tepung secara bertahap, asuk lalu uleni dgn tangan
- 3. Siapkan penggorengan, tuangkan minyak goreng, lalu linting adonan masukkan kdlm minyak, jk sdh cukup bnyk, letakkan penggorengan di atas api kompor, goreng hgg kecoklatan, angkat dan tiriskan
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