Pempek Leather / Ngpiang
- 300 gr red meat mackerel
- 300 gr Mackerel fish meat
- 300 gr tapioca flour
- 50 gr wheat flour
- 200 ml cold water
- 1 pc Egg
- 2 tsp Salt
- 2 tbsp Mushroom Broth
- 2 tsp sugar
- 1/2 tsp Pepper powder
Ground spices
- 10 pcs Shallots
- 5 cloves of garlic
- 1. Prepare a container, add fish meat, eggs and water, stir until smooth.
- 2. Add salt, pepper, mushroom broth and sugar, stir again until well blended.
- 3. Enter the flour, stir again, then add the sago little by little until it runs out while stirring until well blended.
- 4. Heat the oil quite a bit. Take 1 tablespoon full of dough while sprinkled with sago.
- 5. Fry briefly until the pempek floats, lift the scissors from the tip of the pempek and fry again until golden brown. Lift and drain.
- 6. Serve with red chili
Tauco Red Sauce Ingredients
- 15 pcs red chili
- 5 bh Cabe rawit merah
- 3 siung Bawang putih
- 2 sdm Tauco
- 6 bh Jeruk kunci
- Secukupnya Garam dan gula
- Secukupnya Air
Cara Membuat Sambel Merah Tauco
- Rebus cabe dan bawang putih sekitar 5 menit. Lalu blender cabe, bawang putih dan tauco, beri air sedikit sampai halus.
- Tuang ke mangkok, kucuri dgn jeruk kunci, tambahkan gula, garam dan air secukupnya.
- (Asem pedas manis asin dan kekentalannya sesuai selera aja yah). Sajikan bersama dengan engpiang 😋👌
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